Monday, January 3, 2011

Mirin Baked Pears

Happy New Year!!!  Good thing we didn't travel to the east coast over the holidays as the blizzard would certainly cause a schedule havoc.   I worked remotely during the holidays and it was great!  Got to spend some quality time with the pup and cooked dinner on a regular basis.   It's been a while since I've had the time to cook so the hubby was definitely psyched!  I forgot to take a pic of all the food I made but did get one of my desserts: Mirin Baked Pears.   Using pears that was about to go bad, I soaked them in mirin, sugar, mint, ginger, and cloves for about 1/2 hour and then bake in oven at 350 degrees for 45 mins.   It was delish!!

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