Sunday, January 23, 2011

Japanese Curry Truck

San Francisco is known for its many food choices.  The newest food bites are hitting the street, literally.  All types of food trucks are available and my recent favorite is the Japanese Curry.  The fact that it parks within a block or two from my office makes it quite convenient for lunch.   The katsu curry has a nice crunch without too much oil.  I got the spicy curry and it was indeed spicy but not overwhelmingly so.  However, there's definitely heat, and I don't mean the temperature.   The only thing missing from is the lack of vegetables.  But for super speedy service and only $8 (must bring cash), it's not a bad option for lunch.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Mirin Baked Pears

Happy New Year!!!  Good thing we didn't travel to the east coast over the holidays as the blizzard would certainly cause a schedule havoc.   I worked remotely during the holidays and it was great!  Got to spend some quality time with the pup and cooked dinner on a regular basis.   It's been a while since I've had the time to cook so the hubby was definitely psyched!  I forgot to take a pic of all the food I made but did get one of my desserts: Mirin Baked Pears.   Using pears that was about to go bad, I soaked them in mirin, sugar, mint, ginger, and cloves for about 1/2 hour and then bake in oven at 350 degrees for 45 mins.   It was delish!!